
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Slightly Different Explanation

A slightly different explanation
Dawned on her as she tried
To unravel this mystery
Concerning a book, a man, and an odd-looking pen.
There was something she had overlooked:
An avoidable error, 
But soon remedied.
She searched and scanned the papers,
The reports,
The confessions
Of all who had been involved.
Aha! Here it was,
A rather clumsy translation
Of an oft-quoted origin,
But in essence the same meaning.
The testimony of the man
(not quite the freedom fighter they had imagined him to be),
Scrawled across the paper
In nearly illegible writing:
I, the Discoverer, hereby state
And testify that the ancient Text
Which I had found on a chance of Fate
Is one which ought not to be read
Until it is the only option.
It was this statement which had
Caught her off-guard, but now
She thought she saw it-
Just a glimmer of a hope, really-
But within contained all possible
Surety of the future.
Her supervisor had questioned
It, and reasonably so- 
The testimony seemed a bit too
Far-fetched, "lacking force of the usual form,"
As she had observed.
And perhaps she was right.
Perhaps all it was-
All this fuss-
Perhaps it was all just
Complete twaddle.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Under the Spotlight

There's something about it
That spotlight shining down
So bright, so hot
Underneath its ceaseless gaze
And yet so thrilling,
Exhilarating, even;
When your heart beats
A thousand miles a second
And you feel as though
You could run far and wide
Beyond all limitations
And you can't help but smile
With all your teeth exposed,
Pearly white incisors gleaming
In that spotlight shining down
And you can't contain this energy
(There's far too much to handle)
But when the lights fade down
And you know where to go
And the music starts to play
And you take a deep breath
Before the world shall see
Everything you've done
And worked tirelessly on
For what seems like forever
And the lights come up
And you put on that smiling face
Glowing with anticipation
And excitement
And anxiety-
There's something about it
That spotlight shining down
So blinding, so stimulating
Beneath its constant stare
And, quite simply,
I'm nearly at a loss for words
For nothing can truly compare
With that spotlight shining down.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Once in a desert vast
Where no man or beast could dwell,
A small shoot sprang forth
Among the coarse and grainy well.

Years did pass, and soon the small,
Tiny seedling bloomed
Into a tall and beautiful plant
With boughs laden with leaf plumes.

But soon the sun shone forth her light
And the life was taken from the root
Of that seedling full of hope
That had yet to bear its fruit.

To this day the desert bare
Retains no memory of the growth
That quickly came and quickly went
Back to its home in the mother earth.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Tale of Lisa Clays

Lisa Clays sat
in the midst of a lilac grove
pondering the puzzle
of pi.
As of late,
she had been thinking
when her thoughts stumbled
upon what pi really was.
She wandered
over to her favorite place,
the lilac grove,
and sat on her
favorite bench
and wrote her thoughts
in her favorite notebook.
Lisa sat for hours
and hours
and hours,
but she just couldn't
unravel the mystery
that so unwillingly
sang its secrets.
For many more hours
and hours after those,
Lisa and pi
were at an impasse.
Lisa took a deep
breath full of the
sweet lilac
lay down on the ground
with her notebook
next to her,
and took a nap.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The sun dawned brightly
And light fled into my room.
When I woke, it rained.

Monday, April 22, 2013


A tiny seedling
so small,
barely the size
of my fingernail,
so fragile,
easily fractured,
yet when planted
in good ground,
nourished properly,
with enough
and sun
and tender care,
can become 
something wonderful,
something beautiful,
something spectacular.

A miracle
that began
with nothing
a hope.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


It's bottled up
almost ready
to explode
The pressure
is building up
you don't know
what will be left.
The bubbles are
frothing at
the surface,
in an almost menacing
You begin to shake
from all the
not sure if
it's them
or you
that makes you
feel this way.
Soon you will
have to let
it go
and splatter
all over
their faces
in a huge mess