
Monday, April 21, 2014

Harvest Gold

Here it is, a perfectly finished product
of the finest silks in the kingdom,
perhaps even the world, dyed in the
most glorious shade of harvest gold,
exactly as you had requested and
commissioned us to do, my lady.
And here, you see, are all the crafted
buttons from the finest metals purified
over the hottest furnace that has yet
been built in this modern day and age,
so clear and bright that you can see
your very own image in each little sun
of a mirror, just as you desired, 
and there are twenty-three of them, 
all down the back of the bodice,
and another forty-six down the front,
all the way to the floor, where, as you
can see, the creamy lace blends perfectly 
with the golden threads of the smooth,
ruffled skirt, made entirely by hand,
in only a week of time to create such a
tailored masterpiece as has yet passed 
through my rather experienced hands.
Tonight you shall be simply ravishing,
my lady, for when you rise and enter the
dance hall crowded with all those other
vain and narcissistic so-called nobility
with their feathered fans and enormous
bustles like cattle, those oversized peacocks
stuffed into silk and satin, you shall shine
brighter than any of them, for such a 
simple cut suits your graceful frame with
such perfection and truly compliments your
natural beauties, your glowing skin,
your flowing, wavy, burnished hair, your
finely shaped arms and torso, so that
none of it is lost in gaudiness.

Thank you, dear tailor, for this lovely gift.
No lady of my rank could have asked for
anything more superb and wonderfully
made as this delightful ballgown that has been
put together like a dream. I shall wear my
southern pearls with this, and a net in my hair,
with a few loose ringlets to add a sort of
statement. My sky blue shoes shall be
the perfect compliment to your work, sir, 
and I shall wear a corsage of forget-me-nots
and small white buds in order to add a 
simplistic charm to this wondrous gown.
Again, I thank you, dear tailor.

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